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Providers and Services often run with long term managers in place who occasionally fall behind in their own learning and development. The service develops a style and closed culture which can unknowingly hold back a service.
We thoroughly believe that a manager can learn so much more by networking with likeminded managers in similar services and often facilitate the sharing of good practice by seeing and learning how others might tackle the same issues.
Mentoring and coaching by networking with their peers can provide your manager with the developmental they need to help your service advance. The process works both ways; one of our managers will visit your service to offer advice and guidance whilst also facilitating your manager to visit another service to see such advice in practice. Your manager will develop their skills, gain new insight and progress – both personally and professionally.
Being a critical peer may help to challenge your staff to stimulate their own self-development. Our methodology is to plant the seeds for your own manager and their team to cultivate which will develop their management skills, communication, and leadership.